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Mógłbym równie dobrze wkleić ten tutorial w stosownym topicu w Melinie Grafików, ale najpierw prosiłbym o przetłumaczenie go, czy mógłby ktoś podjać się tego zadania?


Having been asked the same question a number of times i thought it would be handy to write a tutorial for all you new kit makers on how to produce kits on the R'07 Template.


It really isnt as hard as it looks, its quite simple, thanks to the wonderful template we have been gifted from oscar and co, alot of the hard work has been done for you. Its simply a case of recolouring and adding sponsors, getting more creative comes with time so my advice is dont try to run before you can walk, itll just lead to frustration and often giving up.



Right, so now we begin, just to start however, make sure you have Adobe Photoshop running, and the 3 part template downloaded, which you can get here.


For this tutorial, we are going to create a fantasy Manchester United kit, created by Adidas. To begin, we need to open the correct part of the template, in this case, it will be Part 1, A - H (fig 1). Once part A-H of the template is open, we need to select adidas in the layer pallette, which can be found in the bottom right hand corner of your photoshop window (fig 2).


For this particular strip, we are going to use the Adidas Aquilla strip. The way to make the kit show, is to click the eye symbol next to the layer set (fig 3) At this stage, the canvas should look like (fig 4)


Hiding and Showing Different Layers


For the next step, we are going to learn how to show and hide different layers to get the desired effect that we want. The first thing we need to do is hide the stripes in the shirt, as on this occasion we dont need them, so we hide them by locating the layer and clicking the eye icon (fig 5) so that it isnt visible any more, this will hide the stripes from the shirt (fig 6) You can use the show and hide method on anything in the template, my advice is to play around with the layers until you get a result your happy with. On this occasion, the design and colour is fine for what we are trying to achieve (black white and red).


Adding Logos and Sponsors


The next step is adding the club logo and the club sponsor. To do this, first of all we need to find images via the internet. Alot of sponsors can be found on google image search, however the best resource i can reccomend for company logos is on a site called brandsoftheworld, which can be found here. For the club logo, we can use google image search again, however i highly reccomend the following site which can be found here. It has a very large amount of logos from all over the world, and is very accesible for whatever logo you require.


The first thing we need to do is locate the images we require, and first thing we need is a club logo. Once we have found the logo, right click onto it, and copy the logo (fig 7), then go into photoshop and paste the logo into a new canvas, do this by clicking new on the title bar, ensure the background contents are displayed as transparent press okay on the box that pops up (fig 8) and press ctrl and v to paste in the layer (fig 9). At this stage we need to get rid of the white background in the layer, this is a common process when making any kits and will be needed to get rid of the background in both sponsors and logos.


For this, we are going to need to use the magic wand tool (fig 10). With the magic wand selected, click the white background on the logo, you will notice a moving slashed line around the image (fig 11), press Del on your keyboard, and the background will disappear, however, there will still be some remaining areas in the logo, so repeat the process to completely eliminate the background from the logo.


Now we need to resize the logo so that it fits adequately onto the shirt, the quickest easiest way to do this is to redice the image size to 20 pixels in width and height. To do this, click on Image and Image Size (or press Alt+Ctrl+I) and in the box, type 20 pixels in the width box, if working correctly, it should adjust the height to the same size (fig 12). Dont touch anything else, just press okay, and the logo should have reduced size to a constrained proportion. Now we simply select all (Ctrl + A), cut the logo (Ctrl + V) and paste it into your shirt. At this stage, your kit should look like (fig 13)


Now that the logo is in place, we need to find a sponsor, for this we shall use o2, and we use the exact same process as with the logo the only detail we do differently is changing the size. Once the background has been eliminated from the sponsorcopy and paste it into the shirt, at this stage it doesnt matter what size the sponsor is as we are going to resize to an adequate size using the following method.


Resizing using the Transform Tool


With the sponsor layer selected, go into edit and transform, and then scale, now whilst holding shift, drag the sponsor inwards to reduce size. The size all depends on personal preference however use (fig 14) as a guide for this particular logo. Once you are happy with the size, you need to ensure your sponsor is centred, to do this, press Ctrl + A to select the whole canvas, go to Layer, then to Align Layers To Selection then Horizontal Centre. The next stage is to recolour the logo to a suitable colour, to do this, and to change the colour of anything in the template, we use the colour overlay tool, which is explained later in the tutorial. For now however, we need to ensure the logo looks as though its on the shirt, for this, we use the warp tool.


To use this, we need to go into edit, transform and warp, in which we will be presented with a scale type box (fig 15) we need to drag the two inner circles upwards at the bottom and top (fig 16), then click away from the squares and you will be presented with a box asking you to confirm, cancel, or amend what you have just done, click confirm and the sponsor is then complete.


Colour Changing


The last thing we need to do is change the colour of the sponsor to white. To do this, double click on the sponsor layer, and a layer effects panel will come onto the screen, we need to select colour overlay, and click on the colour, to bring up a colour pallette. Select the colour white, click okay, then okay again and the sponsor will now be white. We can do this for changing the colour of anything in the template, this is the only method we should use as any other way will hide the texture of the kits.




The final step is to save the kits, first of all, hide the green background layer and then click File, Save As, then when the save dialog box comes up, give your kit a name, and change the file type to .png, then save the kit into a location of your choice. Once done, locate the kit you have just saved, re-open it in photoshop, and now we need to adjust the size of the kit to fit into the game.


If you remember the process we did earlier to adjust the image size, we just change the pixel size of width to 100 pixels, this will adjust the height size accordingly also, you will not need to change anything else other than the width size, once that is done, simply save your kit and its ready to go.


I hope this guide has been of some use if you spot any problems/spelling mistakes please feel free to inform me.


tutorial z zasobów

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Tłumaczyłem oferte elektryczną z polskiego na angielski, czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić poprawność mojego tłumaczenia.



Inowrocław 15.05.2007r.


WINDBUD Sp. z o.o.

ul. Dworcowa 52/54

88-100 Inowrocław



na wykonanie linii 15 kV i układu pomiarowego dla elektrowni wiatrowej w miejscowości Wilczkowo, gm. Żnin.

Koszt wykonania zadania łącznie z materiałem będzie wynosił 181.200,00 złotych netto (słownie: sto osiemdziesiąt jeden tysięcy dwieście złotych 00/100) plus 22% VAT.

Oferta została opracowana na podstawie otrzymanych materiałów.

Termin ważności oferty 30 dni.



Inowroclaw the 15th of May 2007



52/54 Dworcowa street

88-100 Inowroclaw



Our company offers a 15 kV power transmission line and measurment circuit for windpower station in Wilczkowo, coummunity Żnin.

Realization cost in conjuction with material will amount to 181.200,00 zlotych net (one hundred eighty one thousand, two hundred 00/100), value added tax included.

The offer was based on received materials.

An expirity date is 30 days.

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Tworzę ligi do FM-a i potrzebuję porady językowej. Liga po polsku nazywa się: Polska 9. Liga Południe-Wschód Grupa 1. Czy poprawny zapis po angielsku to: Polish Ninth Division South East Group 1? Najbardziej interesują mnie słowa South East, czy zapisać je lepiej jako Southeast, lub jako South-East?

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  • 2 tygodnie później...


poszukuje cytatow w jezyku hiszpanskim, wraz ich polskim tlimaczeniem.

googlowalem za tym troche, ale tylko jedna interesujaca strone znalazlem:/ wiec jesli ma ktos moze jakis taki zbior cytatow albo zna jakas strone to bede bardzo wdzieczny!:)


Jako ze udalo mi sie jeszcze pare stron znalesc, tak ze je tu wkleje, moze komus sie przydadza:,2.html?f=1...amp;v=2&s=0


ale mam jeszcze prosbe, moze ktos mi takie zdanie (haslo) przetlumaczyc na hiszpanski:

"Zeby w piatek padal deszcz!", czy cos w tym stylu.

Z gory dziekuje za wszelka pomoc:)


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sory ze tak 2 posty pod soba, ale che go troche podniesc do gory:P, bo ostatnio tylko edytowalem i kurde od tego czasu nikt tutaj nawet nie zajrzal:P

mam jeszcze nowe pytanie jak bedzie (po hiszpansku oczywiscie) "Słoneczko" mam tutaj na mysli nazwanie kogos tak, ewentualnie jakies inne takie mile okreslenie. (cos typu "czesc sloneczko", "czesc mała")

Odnośnik do komentarza
sory ze tak 2 posty pod soba, ale che go troche podniesc do gory:P, bo ostatnio tylko edytowalem i kurde od tego czasu nikt tutaj nawet nie zajrzal:P

mam jeszcze nowe pytanie jak bedzie (po hiszpansku oczywiscie) "Słoneczko" mam tutaj na mysli nazwanie kogos tak, ewentualnie jakies inne takie mile okreslenie. (cos typu "czesc sloneczko", "czesc mała")


to powinno byc okay "hola bebé"

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  • 2 tygodnie później...

Moja koleżanka potrzebuje pomocy z angielskiego.. Mógłbym napisać sam, ale chce uniknąć jakiś głupich błędów. Jak się pewnie domyślacie koleżanka do orłów z tego języka nie należy, więc w razie czego proszę o raczej proste konstrukcje zdaniowe ;)


Oto temat pracy:


There should be no tests at school.


Potrzebne są jedynie po dwa argumenty za i dwa przeciw. Bez wstępu, bez zakończenia itp. Dla ułatwienia podaję przykładowe w naszym rodzimym języku (oczywiście nie trzeba się sztywno, a nawet w ogóle trzymać.. to tylko przykład..)




Myślę, że w szkole nie powinno być testów ponieważ stresują one bardzo uczniów i powodują u nich strach przed reakcją rodziców na złą ocenę.


Poza tym, wielu ludzi twierdzi, że testy zwiększają rywalizację między uczniami i mogą doprowadzić do kłótni w klasie


W końcu testy powodują, że niektórzy uczniowie czują się gorsi, np. uczniowie otrzymujący słabsze oceny




Z drugiej strony, brak testów w szkole może spowodować spadek motywacji uczniów do nauki


Co więcej brak testów powoduje, że uczeń tak naprawdę nie wie w jakim stopniu opanował dany przedmiot


W wyniku tego brak testów preferuje uczniów słabszych, zamiast preferować uczniów lubiących naukę..



I Jeszcze raz przypominam.. te zdania to tylko przykład.. można je zastąpić ;) Z góry dzięki za ew. pomoc. Bardzo na to liczę :)

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